About EcoBiome

Our Mission

At EcoBiome Metals, our mission is to revolutionize the way metals are recovered and processed using innovative and sustainable biomining technology. We are committed to delivering superior results while minimizing the environmental impact of mining.

Our Vision

Our vision is to establish ourselves as the leading provider of microbial technology solutions for the mining and metals industry including extraction and remediation. We believe that our approach to metal recovery can help to drive a more sustainable future, where businesses can meet their production needs while also protecting the planet.

Our Values

Advanced Biomes

EcoBiome Metals is a world class microbial technology company that utilizes, leverages and applies its patented EcoBiome Technology Platform to isolate and characterize novel and never before discovered microorganisms from environmental samples.

Currently, only 5% of all microorganisms from the environment can be cultured and identified – an issue termed the “Great Plate Count Anomaly”. As a result, over 95% of all microorganisms have yet to be cultured and identified that can be critical to solving major industrial and medicinal problems and diseases. EcoBiome has overcome this barrier by allowing the – first of its kind – isolation, identification, characterization and production of novel microorganisms and their bio-extracts from any environmental sample.

We welcome the opportunity to apply our EcoBiome Technology to detect, isolate and define the microbial population within an environmental sample, providing vital information and data about its essential microbial profiles beneficial to mining.